
List 012

Absurd things I did today because procastinating:

1. Watch and re-watch David Bowie's new videoclip

2. Rewatch this videoclip because there's no way Bowie can make any music video better

3. Cookies, without following any recipe, nor any kind of measure whatsoever. They were nice, a bit hard to bite perhaps

4. Try to mantain facebook chats whith several friends too busy to engage in a fluent conversation

5. Watch old episodes of Friends and How I Met Your Mother on TV

 6. Tide the room but not too much because I got tired while doing so

7. Listen to the whole soundtrack of 'The Great Gatsby'. It sucks and I am dying to see it.


8. Stalk a guy-I-met-in-a-party CLOSED profile on facebook. Don't even know what year he was born but he chose a horrible picture of the uni's library for his wall.

9. Boring conversation on skype with my folks

10. Lose time on Buzzfeed.

11. Write this post.

A waste of time and yet I'll probably do it again if I started over.

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